Submitted by mventresca on Wed, 06/12/2024 - 08:26

Winning the Legal Game: How Proper Services Drive Game Development Success


Before we ever play them, video games go through a lot behind the scenes. But the publishing process isn't just about cutting-edge animation or graphics anymore. To truly succeed, studios need to navigate a complex legal minefield. Just like a perfectly placed pixel or a well-written line of code, legal considerations are crucial for a smooth development and release process.

Here's a closer look at how the ever-changing legal landscape is shaping the modern gaming industry.

Intellectual Property Law: Protecting the Creation

The pulse of the gaming industry is its creativity. Safeguarding this creativity through intellectual property (IP) law is paramount to development success. Legal teams work to protect everything from game mechanics to character designs and music. A modern example of IP law intersecting with the gaming sphere is the ongoing legal dispute regarding the hit game Dark and Darker. This case highlights the fierce battles over copyright and trade secrets.

Case Study:  The legal dispute between Nexon Korea Corp. and Ironmace Co. Ltd., is a prime example of an intellectual property battle. Nexon claims that Ironmace, a company spearheaded by former Nexon employees, misappropriated trade secrets and infringed on Nexon’s copyrights. The specifics of the case involve allegations that these former employees used proprietary information obtained while working on Nexon’s project P3 to develop Dark and Darker under Ironmace’s banner.

Ironmace began fighting back against Nexon’s claims after Dark and Darker was removed from the Steam platform—removing a game from any popular platform can seriously damage a company’s finances and reputation. By submitting this counterclaim against Nexon, Ironmace agreed to be under the Western District of Washington's jurisdiction, where Valve (Steam's parent company) is based. Ironmace likely hopes this legal plan will help defend their game and their right to create, share, and market on their own terms.

The outcome of this legal battle could have significant implications for both companies and for the gaming industry at large—particularly in how intellectual property rights are handled between competing firms and former employees.

Data Privacy: Protecting the Players

With the rise of online gaming, data privacy has emerged as a pivotal concern. Game developers must navigate a labyrinth of regulations designed to protect players' personal information. Failure to comply with data protection laws could result in severe fines and significant damage to a company’s reputation. 

Loot Boxes: A Global Legal Puzzle

Loot boxes have transformed game monetization but have also drawn scrutiny as potential forms of gambling. Different countries have adopted varied stances on the issue. Belgium and the Netherlands have implemented outright bans, viewing loot boxes as a form of gambling. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom has required clear labeling and disclosure of odds but has stopped short of classifying loot boxes as gambling. 

In contrast, the United States has seen legislative proposals aimed at regulating or banning loot boxes, particularly to protect children, but these have yet to be adopted in any capacity. This patchwork of international laws means that developers must be adept at adapting their game features to comply with diverse legal regulations across regional markets.

The Future of Gaming Law

It’s evident that legal expertise is not just an optional shield but a strategic partner in the world of gaming. Whether it’s battling copyright infringement, navigating data privacy laws, or decoding various global regulations, legal professionals are indispensable to the development and release process. These professionals ensure that the gaming industry can continue to innovate responsibly and inclusively on a global stage.

As showcased at GDC 2024, the journey ahead for gaming is as much about embracing legal intricacies as it is about advancing technology. For more insights into how legal services continue to shape the gaming world, or to connect with our team, visit or reach out via email at

By: TransPerfect Gaming Team